In partnership with Early Milestones Colorado, Marzano Research has been awarded a contract to support the development of a transition plan for Colorado’s new Department of Early Childhood. Building on its longstanding commitment to serving children and families, Colorado is offering voluntary universal preschool and creating a new unified state Department of Early Childhood, which will be launched by July 1, 2022.

The Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) is tasked with approving a plan to transition to the new agency and guiding the state’s new universal preschool program. The ECLC is engaging a wide range of stakeholders, including parents, families, members of the early childhood workforce, providers, school districts, human services leaders, and others, in its planning process.

To support the ECLC, our experts in early childhood and educational leadership will facilitate content-specific subgroup meetings as well as conduct experience focus groups. Input gathered from stakeholders at these meetings will be used by the Transition Advisory Group to develop recommendations for the transition plan.

The ECLC is committed to creating an effective, community-informed transition plan. Through our work with the ECLC, Marzano Research and Early Milestones Colorado will ensure stakeholder voices from parents, providers, and the workforce from across Colorado are included.

Learn more about Marzano Research’s early childhood education services and how we can support your efforts to improve outcomes for our youngest learners.